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alpha Kappa Delta Phi's 13th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Coffeehouse details about the event

Date submitted: Nov. 7, 2014, 10:38 a.m.


Eligibility Questions select if applicable

Free-Response Questions

Items list line items for funding

Expense Items list your projected expense items

Name Category Quantity Price Per Unit Total Amount Total Received Penn Traditions Alumni Engagement Fund (managed by Philanthropy Ambassadors of Penn Traditions) Asian Pacific Student Coalition
Utensils Equipment/Supplies 1 $15.00 $15.00 $0.00 $0.0 pending
Food truck platters Food/Drinks 6 $40.00 $240.00 $100.00 $0.0 $100.0
Color Flyers Photocopies/Printing/Publicity 150 $0.30 $45.00 $0.00 $0.0 pending

Additional Funds list all non-CFA funding sources and admission fees

No items have been added.
Expense Total $0.00
Funding Received Total –$0.00
Additional Funds Total –$0.00
Final Total $0.00

Funders select to apply


The primary purpose of APSC is to voice and support the common interests and concerns of the Asian Pacific-Islander community; to provide a forum for discussion, action, and exploration of issues of concern to students; and to present and celebrate the richness of our diverse Asian Pacific cultures and backgrounds to the University community and beyond. APSC only funds events where one or more APSC constituent groups are major collaborators.


PTAEF facilitates the relationship between current students and alumni of the University of Pennsylvania by supporting current alumni/student programming and offering new opportunities for interaction. Preference will be given to the following: - Events that emphasize alumni engagement and/or school spirit and tradition. - Groups that have received alumni support in either planning or funding the event. - Groups who demonstrate a clear need for supplemental funding. Should the committee decide to grant your group funding, all funds will be distributed as reimbursements following the event through the University budget system. The committee asks that groups apply at least 3 weeks in advance. No later than one business week after the conclusion of the event, please submit the receipts for expenses for which you are requesting reimbursement. Failure to do so will forfeit your funding allocation.

Extra Questions specific to each funder

No other questions answered.

Comments here are some comments from your potential funders

Penn Traditions Alumni Engagement Fund (managed by Philanthropy Ambassadors of Penn Traditions) wrote on Oct. 1, 2014, 6:54 a.m.

The committee decided not to fund this event due to unsubstantial alumni engagement/attendance.